Ch. 4 Covalent Compounds, Formulas, Structures

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Lewis Structures

Covalent Bonds: Electrons are shared, physically attached to each other in molecules
Lewis electron-dot structures used to represent sharing

Drawing Lewis Structures

  1. Determine central atom
    I. C\ce{C} atom(s) are usually central
    II. H\ce{H} is never central
    III. Halogens are usually not
    IV. Oxygen is usually not, though may link C\ce{C}
    V. atom appearing only once may be central
  2. Put atoms/groups around central atom to form the skeleton
  3. Find the total number of valence electrons (take into account charge if ion)
  4. Add single bonds between each ion
  5. Fill octets on outer atoms and put remaining in central (nonbonding or lone pairs)
  6. Change some outer atom lone pairs to double bonds if central atom does not have a full octet unless it is B\ce{B} (may have more, if period 3-7)
  7. Check formal charges

Formal Charge

  1. For each atom, count all nonbonding electrons
  2. Count half the bonding electrons (e.g. one bond counts as 1 electron)
  3. Add the counts from step 1 and 2
  4. Compare to number of valence electrons

left is better because of all 0 compared to a -1 and +1

Covalent Bond Polarity

Dipole Moments

Dipole moment=q×r \text{Dipole moment}=q\times r
where qq is the difference in charge (polar molecules will have a slightly negative and slightly positive atom) and rr is the distance in meters

Ionic Character

ΔEN=\Delta EN= difference in electronegativity

Ionic CharacterΔEN\Delta EN
Nonpolar Covalent00
Polar Covalent<1.7<1.7

Characteristics of Bonds

Bond Order

Bond Strength/Energy

Bond Length


Molecular Geometry

Molecular Geometry Table

A\ce{A} is central atom, X\ce{X} and E\ce{E} are bonding and nonbonding pairs

AXX3\ce{AX3}Planar TriangleBClX3\ce{BCl3}120°120^\degree
AXX3E\ce{AX3E}Triangular PyramidNHX3\ce{NH3}109.5°109.5^\degree
AXX5\ce{AX5}Trigonal BipyramidPClX5\ce{PCl5}120°120^\degree, 90°90^\degree
AXX4E\ce{AX4E}Distorted TetrahedronSFX4\ce{SF4}120°120^\degree, 90°90^\degree
AXX5E\ce{AX5E}Square PyramidIFX5\ce{IF5}90°90^\degree
AXX4EX2\ce{AX4E2}Square PlanarXeFX4\ce{XeF4}90°90^\degree

Molecular Polarity

  1. symmetrical molecules are nonpolar
  2. nonsymmetrical molecules are polar if bonds are polar
  3. molecule with >1 type of atom attached to the central atom is often nonsymmetrical, so is polar
  4. central atom with nonbonding electron pairs are often nonsymmetrical, so is polar

Covalent Bond Formation
